An NFT collection of 1024 unique procedurally generated pixel spaceships. All 1/1 ERC-721 tokens on a custom-built Ethereum smart contract. All images and metadata will be reliably and permanently stored on IPFS.

LAUNCH DATE: September 23 @ 5pm EST (UTC -5).
ā€¨TOTAL SUPPLY: 1024.
PRICE: 0.025 ETH each (plus gas).

4 / 1024 Spaceships Minted




    Only 1024 Spiffy Spaceships of 4 different rarities will ever be minted.

  • Common: 624 Spaceships with orange rocket flame and the simplest designs.
  • Uncommon: 300 Spaceships with green rocket flame and more complex designs.
  • Rare: 90 Spaceships with blue rocket flame and complex designs.
  • Epic: 10 Spaceships with purple rocket flame and the most complex designs.


    Below are Incoming Radio Communications from your current Squadron Leaders, who are the owners of the most Spiffy Spaceships with certain special mint numbers.

  • Squadron Leader Alpha owns the most single-digit mint numbers.
  • Squadron Leader Beta owns the most mint numbers that are multiples of 100.
  • Squadron Leader Gamma owns the most double-digit mint numbers.
  • Squadron Leader Delta owns the most mint numbers that are multiples of 10.
  • Below, current Squadron Leaders are listed with the number of Spaceships of the applicable category they own. That's how many you need to collect to become the new Squadron Leader!
  • If you are a Squadron Leader, you may change the radio message to your squadron at any time using the buttons below.

  • Changing your message is free plus current ETH gas prices.
  • Your message can be anything, but is limited to 250 standard ASCII characters.
  • Once set, your message will be stored on the blockchain, and remain on this site indefinitely, until someone else becomes Squadron Leader and changes it.

YOU can be promoted to Squadron Leader Alpha by collecting the most Spiffy Spaceships with single-digit mint numbers.

Squadron Leader Alpha: [1]Toximelowpsy-Hunter-NFT

YOU can be promoted to Squadron Leader Beta by collecting the most Spiffy Spaceships with mint numbers that are multiples of 100.

Squadron Leader Beta: [0]Nobody

YOU can be promoted to Squadron Leader Gamma by collecting the most Spiffy Spaceships with double-digit mint numbers.

Squadron Leader Gamma: [0]Nobody

YOU can be promoted to Squadron Leader Delta by collecting the most Spiffy Spaceships with mint numbers that are multiples of 10.

Squadron Leader Delta: [0]Nobody


    24 hours after launch, the Christening Period will begin.

  • For 72 hours, Spaceship owners will be able to name their Spaceship if they like.
  • Christening will be free (plus current ETH gas fees).
  • Your name can be anything, but is limited to 50 standard ASCII characters.
  • After 72 hours, the Christening Period will end. Names will be frozen and stored permanently as metadata on IPFS, securing your Spaceship name forever.


  • Pre-Launch: ERC-721 Smart Contract deployed to Ethereum blockchain and available for public scrutiny. Pre-launch giveaway winners receive the first Spaceships. Radio Communication enabled for Squadron Leaders. Up to 50 Spaceships reserved for further giveaways and promotions.
  • LAUNCH: Minting enabled and all remaining Spaceships available for 0.025 ETH (plus gas). No price tiers. Spaceships will be minted with random rarity, but hidden for 24 hours. Mint numbers will be sequential. May mint up to 10 at a time to save on gas fees.
  • 24 hrs after launch: All hidden Spaceships revealed. The Christening Period begins.
  • 72 hrs after naming enabled: The Christening Period ends. Spaceship metadata including names frozen permanently and moved to IPFS.
  • 50% sold: $5,000 donated to a charity voted on by owners.
  • 100% sold: $5,000 donated to a charity voted on by owners. $5,000 used to buy the floor on Spaceships. All project source code (website, smart contract, metadata generation) will be made available to all Spaceship owners to help them launch their own projects.
  • BEYOND: Spaceship owners will receive private early mint access to all future NFT collections.
  • Anything missing? Anything else that you'd like to see be part of the project? We want to know! Contact @BelligMoose on Twitter.


Belligerent Moose


responsible for all the things
seems to be a koala for now